Tips to create brand awareness for a Small Business

Consistent Branding Tips

How do you create high brand awareness and brand recall for you Small Business, especially without it costing too much...?

Once you've got your branding right, it's then time to target your audience to capture their attention within seconds. We also need to work towards turning these visitors into enquiries / sales / encourage them to take action. This is an area I work on with many of my Business Coaching clients.

Below are 5 tips to help improve your brand awareness :

1. Anchor the branding from your website

Many leave their website as the last place to update content and branding. Unfortunately, this is the wrong approach and can mean that your brand becomes disjointed and quite often confusing.

Websites are easier than ever to update or renew. While building a new website may seem expensive to some, it's an investment which will bring in returns if it's done correctly.

Having your website as the hub for your Brand Marketing is the most important step you can take.

2. Consistency in your branding

Consistency is key.

Streamline all Marketing materials through using the same branding across each platform. This allows your target market to instantly recognise across all mediums.

Does your brand look the same across all of your touch-points?

3. Tell a story

Storytelling is playing a far more important role than ever. It's important you tell people how you got from A to B. If you just tell them B, they will miss information which doesn't allow them to connect properly with your brand.

People want to know who you are & what brought you here. They want to like you, and trust you. This technique is slightly different for service & product brands - however the point is that people want to connect and understand the brands personality and story.

4. Create multiple platforms

I've been saying for years that businesses should create multiple platforms. Beyond this being a great way for customers / clients to connect, it also has the ability to bring you additional business opportunities. 

My platforms are blog, podcast, video, social media...

5. Optimise your website

Ensuring your website is optimised for search engines is imperative. Research keywords and insert them within your pages to lead traffic to your website. You can download a free DIY checklist through subscribing via the homepage. 

Alison Morgan is a specialist private Business Coach who is passionate about coaching Business Owners to create and sustain a thriving entity.

Alison has tailored Business Coaching Packages to help you create a thriving business. Relauncher also has an in-house team of Web Developers & Graphic Designers.

Simply drop me an email to see how I can help you!

Online Business Coach