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Leading Wellness Experts share the #1 habit they will be working on this year

The new year often brings about grand plans of changing our lives and achieving goals. It is a good time to reset and recharge, however New Years resolutions often fall flat, with an estimated 8% of people actually sticking to them.

This year we thought we would also the experts what their #1 healthy habit will be that they want to work on this year and why.

Fran Dargaville, Nutritionist

The habit I'm working on for 2021 is to spend less time on technology and more time living!

2020 was an intense year for many of us, and I found myself tempted to fill empty spaces in my day with scrolling the news and social media. My first step was to take a "digital detox", including a month off social media (which I'm about to finish). Now, I'm adding in more daily phone-free activities, like walking and surfing, as regular opportunities to be in the present moment and enjoy. This is a practice and it takes some getting used to, but I've been feeling more calm, relaxed and creative, and can't wait to see what happens as I continue!

Flic Manning, founder or Corethentic

My habit this year is ritualising the breath as a way ensure all that I do, business and personal, comes from a place of mental calm and optimal physical wellbeing.

I use the CALM breathing technique (Inhale for 4 through the nose, Exhale for 4 from the mouth until my heart beat and breathing are in alignment) as soon as I open my eyes in the morning.

I repeat this before I eat lunch, before dinner and before bed. This trains my my brain to be calmer. It tells my brain through repetition that life is good and therefore there is less for me to be stress about. This then sends a positive message to every cell in my body; improving everything from decision making through to digestion, skin health and immunity. It’s all connected! By making it a ritual I build in a few minutes of selfcare to my day and this not only effects me, but positively rubs off on all those around me creating a life of wellbeing.

Lizzie Bland, founder of Lean Bean Fitness

The one thing I’ll be working on this year is taking breaks from social media, tv and podcasts and allow myself some time without the need for constant stimulation.

I’ll be trying to leave my phone and AirPods at home when i take the dog for a walk, have dinner without the tv on and if i am watching the tv, making sure my phone is in the other room so avoid mindless scrolling!

Bec Miller, founder of Health with Bec

I am going to make time for 15 minutes of meditation by cutting my social media time down by 15 minutes. To do this, I'm setting two alerts. One to block me out of instagram after I've been on for 45 minutes already, and an alarm at mid day to remind me to meditate. Why? I want to slowly build the habit of being able to switch off easier at night and in turn, better my quality of sleep. Sleep is vital for every single aspect of your health, including hormonal balance, weight balance, mood, concentration and energy.

Luke Mcleod, the founder of meditation service Soul Alive
The key habit I'll be working on this year is actually how to master sticking with habits! More specifically, self-disicpline. One thing I've come to realise is that if you have weak self-discipline it doesn't matter how good your goals and intentions are, the probability of you achieving them is dramatically less if you haven't mastered the art of self-discipline. So my priority this year is to study, consume content, and apply actions around just that.