How To Provide Leading Customer Service As An Online Business


Running your own online business can be an extremely profitable endeavour, yet it takes a considerable amount of hard work and determination to succeed long term. One of the main priorities of a thriving business is customer service, but for those who operate exclusively online this can be extremely difficult to maintain. Figuring out how to provide the best level of customer service as an internet based business is such an important step that you must take, and luckily there are a few key tips and tricks that you can utilise to make sure you offer the best service to every customer who enters your virtual doors! If you would like to find out more, then read on to uncover some of the most handy hacks that your online business can implement today to develop a widespread, content and loyal customer base in no time at all.

Invest In Communication Services 

Sometimes customers will have queries that require a response that stretches further than your FAQ page, and that’s why you must take the time to invest in communication services to allow for a more detailed response. You can choose to source a telephone line line Fonebox that will allow your customers to call you at any time, giving them freedom to speak with a real person and gain the best service possible. A customer service line which lets your clients get in touch with you regarding their order will also give your business a much better chance at resolving any issues, as it’s far easier to gain the information that you need when you are able to ask questions and get an immediate response. In addition to this feature, you may wish to install a form of online chat service which users can make the most of via your business website. You can create a program which answers different queries as a ‘chat bot’, or employ a member of staff to man the service to reply to messages through their computer. If your online business has its own social media pages, you can post a note which states that customers can get in touch with your team via direct message! There are many different communication options which you can utilise despite not having a brick and mortar storefront, so take the time to do some research and install the most effective platforms for your business. 

Always Seek Feedback 

A great way to make sure that you can constantly improve your customer service is by asking for feedback from those who visit your website and deal with your business. Seeking comments from customers will give you a realistic look into the quality of the service that you provide, from a point of view that you will never get to experience as the business owner. There are several ways which you can source feedback, including surveys, competitions and more. Including a short survey at the end of a purchase confirmation email will give customers the opportunity to review the process of ordering. Creating a competition for lucky customers to win something such as a voucher if they complete a survey will be a good motivation to actually inspire clients to leave their comments. It’s also a good idea to encourage customers to leave proper reviews on search providers too, so make it as attractive as possible for them to provide their opinion! Once you receive any kind of feedback, go through every comment and seek out potential improvements that you can make to your service! You can also take the time to respond to any negative comments with resolutions or constructive feedback that can help to improve the situation in a productive manner. Actively seeking feedback also shows your customers that you really do care about the quality of the service that you provide, so it’s a win win all around. 

Stay In Touch 

Staying in touch with your customers is such an important activity to pursue, as it’s vital that you can keep them updated with any sales, updates and announcements surrounding your online business. You can’t put signs in your shop window or spread the message through word of mouth as you would in a brick and mortar store, so it’s a good idea to try and seek out a few virtual alternatives that can act as an efficient replacement. Creating an email list is one of the best decisions that you can make, as this is a brilliant way to get in touch with your customers through the internet. Many people have their email accounts linked directly to their smartphones, so any messages that you send will flash up on their screen almost immediately! Making an attractive graphic to send through an email message is one of the best ways to grab their attention, so it’s a great way to spread your brand's message quickly and easily. In order to get email addresses, you can post a feature on your business websites that asks users to ‘sign up’ for newsletters and discounts, as well as utilising previous customers' email addresses (with their consent). Programming your chat service to pop up whenever a user is navigating around your website is very similar to a shop floor member of staff approaching a customer to ask if they might need any assistance, so this is a great way to stay in touch with your clients whilst recreating a realistic, friendly store environment. 

Providing leading customer service can put you a cut above your competitors, and encourage your reputation to grow and flourish as a worthwhile online business. Taking the time to utilise the steps described above can help you to provide the best customer service possible, helping users navigate around your website and complete their orders without any hiccups or mishaps that may warrant a bad review. Be sure to invest in virtual communication services that allow you to stay in touch with your customers, and make an effort to send out regular newsletters and updates via email that include contact details, too.

Alison Morgan