Good Mental Health At Work Will Always Be Paramount


Building a sustainable Organization presupposes the empowerment of employees with the ultimate goal of creating a Resilient and Sustainable Human Resources that will contribute to the strategic development plan of each company. Whether that’s just entirely for physical health or mental too, it’s important to keep on top of your staff’s health. Whether it’s looking at a fall protection system or perhaps looking at a scheme to help the mental health of staff, it has to be undertaken. 

Such a process is a key change in the strategy of the Organization and in order to be successful it must start from the top (CEO) of the company, be actively supported by the entire Management Team and then spread throughout the Organization. A key starting point is the assessment of the situation prevailing in the Organization and the reality experienced by the employees, on a professional and personal level. A good leader will take charge.

Factors such as performance and profitability are directly related to the psychological well-being of employees, the effect on indicators such as stress reduction, increased productivity, improved morale and job satisfaction, reduction of absence and presentation, is catalytic. According to a recent report by the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion, mental health issues cost the European economy € 240 billion a year, most of which refers to lost productivity costs. On the other hand, according to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2017), for every $ 1 invested in managing common mental health issues, the ROI is $ 4, in terms of improved health and productivity.

Aid mental health in the workplace

Just listen to your employees

You may tend to tell your loved one how to fix the problems. However sometimes you need to listen more. Your employee may want to listen to you and not want to have your say right away. Tell them you are available whenever they want to talk. It may not open all the time but they will be happy to know that you are open whenever they need it.

Give encouragement

Let your employees know that the problems they have will be listened to and encourage them to continue on as they were before. It's not a personal flaw and it just can't "get out of it". Tell them they can feel better about the things in the workplace as you are constantly working on plans of action to assist the team generally. 

Problems in the workplace occur all the time and without a good boss to take control, then you risk losing the trust in your workers as well as them turning up and handing in their resignation or causing issues in the job such as doing things incorrectly. It’s vital to ensure that all your workers’ mental health is taken care of and that you are doing all that you can to keep them working to their full potential without too much strain. Good health will always be important in the workplace so be sure to keep on top of the facts and realise the power you have.

Alison Morgan