Don't Procrastinate: Start Your Business Today

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For budding entrepreneurs, procrastination is the enemy. You have all these ideas knocking around in your head, but if you don’t put them into practice, you’ll languish. And nobody wants that. You’ve heard the difference between dreamers and does. Well, this is it. 

Starting A Business Is Easier Than You Think

Making big life decisions is always scary. There’s always a degree of risk. Marrying someone comes with the prospect of betrayal and financial ruin. New jobs offer opportunities, but they also take you out of your comfort zone.

The same applies when starting a business. Often, you have to give up your evenings and weekends when you’re first setting things up and building your systems. It’s only over time that you start to achieve the lifestyle that you want. 

But here’s the critical message of this post: actually starting a firm is easier than you think. You don’t have to do everything all at once. Breaking it down into chunks can help considerably. The only way to get where you want is to make things manageable in the short term. 

Build Your Website

Building a website is a great way to get your business off the ground and up and running. Get it to the point where you’re ready to publish, once you’re able to sell your products. If you plan on creating an e-commerce store, use a tool like Shopify to get the underlying systems in place, including the ability to take payment. 

Find Physical Premises

Some businesses can operate from home. But, for most, you need some sort of premises to get things up and running. Industrial sheds for storage are ideal if you’re planning on taking on significant inventory. You can also rent out partitioned industrial spaces if your company requires production of some description. These little spaces are ideal for setting up practically any assembly line or finishing facility. 

Don’t Tell People What You’re Doing

You would think that telling everyone what you’re doing is a good idea. After all, that creates accountability, right?

Unfortunately, that’s not how it works in practice. Often working away silently on something is more effective than trying to hold yourself accountable. Ideally, you want your business to be a secret project that you do in private. It should be something you love, not a grindstone you do battle with to please the people around you. 

Fight The Fear

Some people procrastinate on their businesses because they worry whether it is the right thing for them to do in their lives. It seems like a massive risk, giving up your time to pursue something that might not work out. Just be clear, though - nothing in life is guaranteed. Your regular employer could make you redundant at any time. 

There’s the deeper issue here of how you live your life, too. If you’re an ambitious person, being stuck in the same 9 to 5 makes you feel like you’re not fulfilling your destiny. And that can cause a tremendous amount of pain.

Alison Morgan