5 Easy Tips for Implementing Cyber Securtiy Protocols for your Company


As the world shifts to become more and more digital, it is important to securely store customer and employee information, along with confidential company information.

The best defence when it comes to internet-connected devices is cybersecurity. Cybersecurity protects cyber criminals from breaching your hardware, apps and other connected devices. 

Practising good security policies and periodically evaluating your activities will help you restrict access from third parties whose aim is less than legitimate.

Online and digital security violations are taken seriously. Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of penalties were levied in 2018 alone on businesses and individuals that were found to have intentionally neglected cybersecurity practises. Some led to potentially allowing cybercriminals to access the data they held. Others had data stolen and realised on the black market for other cybercriminals to use.

To defend your company from cybercrime, what should you do?

Extensive and Thorough Training

Educate everyone who works for your business about the many different ways cybercriminals work to gain information illegally. Make sure everybody is on the same page and can not only detect possible security risks but also work aggressively to avoid them.

Firewalls, software programmes, encrypted files, constantly upgrading passwords and not opening up links on company networks from unknown sources. All these tactics and more can help deter hackers from accessing sensitive and valuable resources.

Utilise the Services of Competent Attorney.

If you do business with customers abroad, hiring an internationally qualified lawyer would help learn exactly what laws you need to obey globally as well as local and nationally. An experienced lawyer who understands commercial and business laws and legal standards for all aspects of your business, including strata law, can assist you in ensuring that you work legally and aim to keep all aspects of your company secure along with cybersecurity.

Conduct Regular Security Audits

When the organisation expands, so does the amount of data you carry. Outsourcing to companies to perform audits on your cybersecurity will help you identify weak spots and potential security breaches. They will advise you on the best ways to avoid data breaches and evaluate the actions of each employee.

Added Security Layers

Add an extra layer of security to your data by using two-factor authentication or limiting who can access certain files. The fewer individuals with access if a compromise was to occur means it is easier to determine how the hack happened and when. A threat is often so complex; it can circumvent several other times, if not all of the protocols in position.

Protecting your data, regardless of the size of your company, is something you should concentrate heavily on. If you are the victim of cybercrime, with many regulations in place to safeguard the confidential details of individuals to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, you could land your company in hot water by failing to provide the necessary security.

Obtain Comprehensive Insurance

Lapse security penalties can be expensive when it comes to hacking and data breaches. If something untoward occurs, insuring yourself against cyber-criminal hacks will protect you.

Alison Morgan