Setting and achieving your goals

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Setting effective and achievable business goals is a high priority for most Business Owners. While many want to achieve success in their work endeavours, not everyone  has the drive & focus to follow through with gusto. In fact, it's damn hard...

Time, priorities and finding space to effectively multi-task are just some of the factors that can get in the way.

In many cases, the process for setting fabulous business goals and following through successfully can leave heads spinning. It takes laser focus, determinationcontinuous effort, and persistence. It requires more than 100% drive and focus.


Below are 5 tips to help set and achieve your business goals:

1. Create Descriptive Goals

Spend time describing and visualising your goals (either on paper or a mood board). You want to be able to really feel, see and experience the end result during your goal setting phase. Lewis Howes talks about this a lot.

It's also important to quantify your goals, so you know exactly what you're aiming for.

The more descriptive you are, the more likely you're going to reach your goals.

2. Stretch Yourself

Set business goals that are achievable at a stretch. Break a sweat, get out of your comfort zone - however make them realistic.

One of the questions I ask my Business Coaching clients before our first meeting, is along the lines of... What would you like to achieve in business within the next 6 months.

Every now and again, I'll receive a response which is so out of the ballpark. So insanely impossible to reach, that it's simply not achievable in the timeframe.

Setting unrealistic exceptions, then failing to meet your goals is disheartening and is also wasting time. 

Set yourself goals which will make you stretch. More than likely you won't know every step needed to get to your goal, however you can work it out along the way. I talk about this a lot in my Podcast Episodes.  

3. Set a Timeline

Mark in your calendar when you are planning to reach your goals. Each goal must have a time element so you know how to track your work. 

Without a timeframe, when goings get tough, the project will slide to the bottom of the list of things to do.

It's up to you to keep focus and priority on your goals.

4. Make Milestones

Milestones are your stepping stones you need to reach before you approach the next phase / chapter towards reaching your goals.

Write a list of your milestones, then mark them in your diary taking into account the final goal delivery date.

This is a great way to stay on track and keep you moving.

5. Simple Action Plan

To achieve your goals, you need a plan. An Action Plan!

I produce Action Plans for my clients to help them navigate the steps needed to move forwards.

The plan doesn't need to be overly comprehensive. Simply having headers with bullet points underneath is enough. That way, you can tick off what you've done as you go. It also provides focus - especially when you're multitasking with other areas of your business.

Let's face it, not everyone has huge amounts of time to dedicate their goals. BAU tasks generally take up most of the time within a Small Business.

Having a simple Action Plan to use as a guide means you can power through your goal reaching tasks much quicker. 

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