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15 Things to do Before You Move House

Moving house is one of the most stressful things that we can do, especially if you are buying and have to cope with the stresses of chains, surveys, mortgages and solicitors on top of the actual move itself. But, it’s something that most of us do at least once in our lifetimes. In fact, it’s thought that on average we move house 11.7 times in our lifetime, so you’d think we’d have gotten better at it by now. But no, it’s still pretty traumatic whether you are on your 2nd move or your 10th.

If you want to reduce the stress of your big move, preparation is key. Get organised, do as much as you can before the big day and your move should be much easier. But, it’s also crucial that you are prepared for changes, unexpected situations and things going a bit wrong. Even with the best preparations, chances are something won’t quite go to plan. So, keep an open mind, try to be flexible and don’t worry if things don’t quite go perfectly. Whatever happens, you’ll get there in the end.

1. Make Sure
The last thing that you want is to spend a lot of time and money on your move, only to find that once you’ve moved in, you’re not sure you’ve done the right thing. You don’t want to sit in your new home on that first night filled with doubts and second thoughts.

Remember, whether you are buying or renting, nothing is final until you’ve signed a contract. So, take your time, view the property as many times as you need to, get advice from professionals and make sure you are 100% sure about your new home before you commit. Make sure you spend that first night exhausted, but happy and excited about the start of a new chapter.

2. Book Some Time Off Work

So many of us make the mistake of trying to do it all on a day off. We think that if we’re prepared and organised, we can move everything in one day, and go back to work the next.

Of course, this is possible. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea. You’ll be tired, your muscles will ache, you’ll have a lot on your mind, and while you might have moved in, there will still be a lot to unpack and sort. Working the day after also means that you need to know where your uniform or equipment is. Book at least a few days off, and you can take your time with it all. If it goes better than expected, you get a bit of a rest. As soon as you’ve got a day for your move, book some time off work.

3. Find the Right Help

You can move alone. But you don’t have to. Decide how much help you want. Do you want to use the Best Interstate Removalists, or would you rather hire a van and do it all yourself? Using a removal team makes everything much easier, they might help you to take furniture apart and put it back together, and they’ll be fully insured if anything goes wrong or gets damaged. Book your removal help, and childcare if you need it as soon as you’ve got a moving date.

4. Notify Utility Companies

You no longer need to wait until you’ve moved to start letting people know, and you can usually do it online. You can let utility companies and suppliers like your internet provider know that you are moving as soon as you’ve got a date. You can also start changing your address at your Drs and dentist.

5. Start Setting Up New Contracts

Some of your providers you’ll be able to take with you, and you’ll just need to let them know your new address and the date of your move. Others, like your water provider, you might not. In this case, start setting up new contracts so that you are up and running on moving day.

6. Arrange a Postal Redirect

Try as you might, you are bound to forget to change your address somewhere. Set up a postal redirect for at least a few months, and you won’t miss anything important.

7. Plan Your Journey

If your new home is close to where you live now, the journey on moving day might be simple. But if it’s further away, you’ll need a little more planning. Wherever it is, check the route, find the best place to park your van and keep an eye on the weather forecast and any planned road works on moving day.

8. Settle Kids and Pets

If you have kids or pets, moving house can be quite unsettling for them. Taking some time before the move to settle them in can be a great idea. Spend some time with them in your new area, visiting local parks and attractions and walking around, and take them inside the house if you’ve already got access.

9. Make a List of Things You Need

Even if you’ve already got all the furniture that you need, you might have things to buy. Do you need curtains? Carpets? A new bin? Doormats? Lampshades? Think about everything that you need, take measurements if you can, and write a list of everything that you need so that you can start shopping.

10. Take Some Photos

Trying to get all of the wires plugged into the right sockets in the back of your TV can be a nightmare. You might also struggle with putting furniture back together right. Take some photos before you take everything apart and it’ll be much easier.

11. Start Packing

You can start packing as soon as you know that you are moving. Start with the things that you don’t use very often like your summer wardrobe or unused appliances. Keep these boxes in a spare room or unused area. Then as moving day gets closer, start packing the rest, making sure your boxes are well labelled and organised.

12. Keep an Overnight Box Separate

The last thing that you want on the first night in your new home is a struggle to find PJs and toothbrushes. Pack a separate overnight box with first night essentials, and any important documents like your passport and insurance papers and keep it easy to find and safe while you move.  

13. Move Some Essentials
If you can get into your new home before moving day, take a few things around to make the move easier. Coffee making facilities, biscuits and snacks and some breakfast for the next day can be ideal. Think about anything that might make your day easier, and move it in first, even if you have to do it on the same morning.

14. Check the New House
While you are there, check the new house. If it’s been empty for a while, you might want to open a window to get rid of any mustiness. You might also want to run a tap to make sure the pipes are working. Go around and make sure it’s clean and tidy and do any jobs that you need to before you move in.

15. Clean the Old House

Many of us are guilty of waiting until our old house is empty before we start to think about cleaning it. While cleaning is easier when your home is empty, it does drag things out. Try to clean as you pack and clear as much as you can so that you don’t need to spend too much time there afterward.